الاصدار الجديد للمتصفح الرائع اوبرا Opera Browser
Opera - among the fastest and many flexible within your browser. Utilizing skins, custom sections and other ways to configure the user interface whose appearance could be changed beyond reputation. The program enables "on the fly" in order to disable and enable the actual schedule, but additionally boasts proprietary technologies scaling Web pages by which users browser rarely see a horizontally scroll bar
رابط التحميل
Opera Browser Download

Opera - among the fastest and many flexible within your browser. Utilizing skins, custom sections and other ways to configure the user interface whose appearance could be changed beyond reputation. The program enables "on the fly" in order to disable and enable the actual schedule, but additionally boasts proprietary technologies scaling Web pages by which users browser rarely see a horizontally scroll bar
رابط التحميل
Opera Browser Download