SnippetsLab 1.6.2 | MacOSX | 5.8 MB
Stop reinventing the wheel - be more productive with SnippetsLab. SnippetsLab is an easy-to-use snippets manager. It helps you to collect and organize valuable code snippets, and makes sure that you have easy access to them whenever you want.
Main Features
Beautiful user interface with both light and dark themes
Supports syntax highlighting for over 350 languages
Markdown snippets supported (editing & preview)
Organize snippets with folders, tags and Smart Groups
Create shortcuts for your most commonly used folders and Smart Groups
Add notes to a snippet
Include multiple fragments in a single snippet (useful when one snippet logically consists of multiple separate "parts," such as a header and an implementation, or different solutions to one problem; every fragment under one snippet can have its own language and note)
Use advanced search to find your snippets instantly
Use iCloud to synchronize your database across multiple devices
Customize the library location to use any 3rd-party file-based sync services
Gist integration: Import from Gist & publish your snippet as gist
Import from CodeBox Library (.cbxml) files
Export your library to JSON, XML or plain text files
Use the SnippetsLab Assistant to search, browse and create snippets right from the menu bar
Easily share snippets with friends & colleagues
Builtin support for printing
Automatic backups
Compact display mode
ABAP, ANTLR, APL, ActionScript, Ada, Agda, Alloy, AmbientTalk, Apache, AppleScript, AspectJ, Assembler (ca65), Asymptote, AutoIt, Awk, BBCode, BUGS, Base Makefile, Bash, Batchfile, Befunge, BlitzBasic, BlitzMax, Boo, Brainfuck, Bro, C, C#, C++, CBM BASIC V2, CFEngine3, CMake, COBOL, CSS, CUDA, Ceylon, ChaiScript, Chapel, Cheetah, Cirru, Clay, Clojure, ClojureScript, CoffeeScript, ColdFusion, Common Lisp, Coq, Croc, Cryptol, Cypher, Cython, D, DTD, Darcs Patch, Dart, Debian Control file, Debian Sourcelist, Delphi, Diff, Django/Jinja, Docker, Duel, Dylan, Dylan session, DylanLID, EBNF, ECL, ERB, Eiffel, Elixir, Embedded Ragel, Erlang, Evoque, FSharp, Factor, Fancy, Fantom, Felix, Fortran, FoxPro, GAP, GAS, GLSL, GNU S (R), Genshi, Genshi Text, Gettext Catalog, Gherkin, GnuDescription, Go, Golo, GoodData-CL, Gosu, Gosu Template, Groff, Groovy, HTML, HTTP, Haml, Handlebars, Haskell, Haxe, Hxml, Hy, Hybris, IDL, INI, IRC logs, Idris, Igor, Inform 6, Inform 7, Io, Ioke, Isabelle, JAGS, JSON, JSON-LD, Jade, Jasmin, Java, Java Server Page, javascript, Julia, Julia Console, Kal, Kconfig, Koka, Kotlin, LLVM, LSL, Lasso, Lean, Lighttpd, Limbo, Liquid, Literate Agda, Literate Cryptol, Literate Haskell, Literate Idris, LiveScript, Logos, Logtalk, Lua, MAQL, MOOCode, MQL, MXML, Makefile, Mako, Markdown, Mask, Mason, Mathematica, Matlab, Matlab Session, MiniD, Modelica, Modula-2, Monkey, MoonScript, Mscgen, MuPAD, MySQL, Myghty, NASM, NSIS, Nemerle, NewLisp, Newspeak, Nginx Configuration file, Nimrod, Nit, Nix, NumPy, OCaml, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Objective-J, Octave, Ooc, Opa, OpenEdge ABL, PHP, PL/pgSQL, POVRay, Pan, Pawn, Perl, Perl6, Pig, Pike, Plain Text, PostScript, PostgreSQL Console (psql), PostgreSQL SQL dialect, PowerShell, Prolog, Properties, Protocol Buffer, Puppet, PyPy Log, Python, QBasic, QML, R Console, REBOL, RHTML, RPMSpec, RQL, RSL, Racket, Ragel, Rd, Red, Redcode, RegEdit, ResourceBundle, Rexx, RobotFramework, Ruby, Rust, SCSS, SPARQL, SQL, SQLite Console, SWIG, Sass, Scala, Scalate Server Page, Scaml, Scheme, Scilab, Shell Session, Slim, Smali, Smalltalk, Smarty, Snobol, SourcePawn, SquidConf, Stan, Standard ML, Swift, System Verilog, TADS 3, Tcl, Tcsh, TeX, Tea, Todotxt, Treetop, Twig, TypeScript, UrbiScript, VB.net, VCTreeStatus, VGL, VHDL, Vala, Velocity, VimL, XML, XQuery, XSLT, Xtend, YAML, Zephir, c-objdump, cpp-objdump, d-objdump, dg, eC, mozhashpreproc, nesC, objdump, reStructuredText and Verilog.
What's New in Version 1.6.2
Fixed several compatibility issues with macOS Sierra.
* Alfred Powerpack users: Please choose "SnippetsLab > Install Alfred Workflow" to update the workflow before using it.
Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processor
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